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9/11 University disinfo site? (3 posts)

  1. truthmod

    We keep getting spam from these people. Stuff like this:

    For years, Nico "Noise" Haupt has aligned himself with the 9/11 far-outsters gang (the ones who not only earn 911truthers a pejoriative, wacked-out "conspiracy theorist" label, but also make it seem as if no far-out theory has eluded them, including Webfairy, Holmgren, Judy Wood. Note that Wood is to S.E.Jones regarding the destructive WTC energy source the same way Webfairy is to Hoffman regarding what hit the towers -- between them they provide a Hegelian dialectic between false choices; IOW, a false argument. That is what Nico Haupt specializes in: distractive, diversive, divisive, misleading false arguments; his noisy disinfo encourages others to take sides in them.)


    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. emanuel

    LOL. Someone is trying to rile people up. It's just crazy-making, that's all. Gotta love that chart too. Clearly they did some research before making it. Really really funny to me.


    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. Manatus

    Always good to keep up with the latest disinfo sites. They provide an element of comic relief. They're also SO easy to identify for anyone with an intelligent objective mind.

    I modified one of their slogans by changing 2 words. "Recognizing the unmistakable internet evidence of disinformation is key to understanding what happened there..."

    Posted 15 years ago #


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