"It's not about it making him 'look bad' it's about the real-life outcome of those votes. He helped create the Bush agenda."
I will come back to this quote later.
I suppose we could stand this debate on it's head by leveling the same charges against the more acetic progressives who impose unrealistic standards on our candidates..
I can remember the same debate in 2000 begging my more progressive friends to NOT vote for Nader. Apparently Gore was not pure enough a candidate.
These progessives 'made' the Bush agenda by seating him in the White House.
Is there any debate that Gore would have been a better choice? Would 9/11 even have happened? This is not some abstract debate. 1 Million people dead in Iraq? How do you reconcile that in your logic?
The right wing accuses Obama of being the most liberal Senator in Congress. The progressive purists attmpt to paint him as a neo-con in sheeps clothing.
So what are we to do? Reject Obama's differences from McCain and seek to undermine his base support?
And what of his record on issues of social justice? Reject it all as fraudulent? I will add a post after this one with an example.
And what of his stated positions on energy and envirnmental concerns? Reject it all out of hand simply on the basis of the progressive purists who take issue with several of his votes in congress?
How is this any different from PUMA who seek to hand McCain a victory by splintering Obama's base?
And what would u tell the millions who cast their vote for Obama to protect women's choice to do what they wish with their own bodies - and the MANY other issues that Obama symbolizes to them? Stay home? Not vote? Vote for Nader?
Are all things equal? Obama is NO different from McCain?
That is simply politically adolescent to suggest. This is NO time to undermine the voices of millions of Americans who are demanding change.
Do we draw NO distinctions between Obama and McCain? Would there be NO difference between Obama's supreme court choices and McCains? We we need another Scalia or Thomas on the Supreme Court?
And what of a McCain administration with Lieberman and Guiliani and the neo-cons making policy?
Are u suggesting Obama's imperfect voting record creates a moral equivalence between these two men - and what their administrations may look like?
Why is it that progressive purists cannot understand that despite being part of the same corrupt system these imperfect men are STILL radically different and the WORLD may not be able to withstand 4 more years of American neo-conservative policies.
And why is it so easy for progressives to dismiss the groundswell of sentiment of MILLIONS of Americans who are rising up to finally demand change? You find humor in calling them Kookaide drinkers? How arrogant and superior is that? This is not about Obama. This is about a powerful tide of public sentiment for POSITIVE change. When was the last time we even SAW that happen in America?
And u seek to tell these people they are wrong? You seek to disenfranchise these people? You seek to splinter this hard fought-for unity behind the first black candidate - embraced by middle America - calling for social reform and environmental stewardship and diplomacy and fiscal responsibility and responsible governance?
Have you NO sense of proportion?
I do not endorse Obama because i believe him to be of pure soul and a savior. I am endorsing the hopes and dreams of millions of people worldwide who are giving voice to these critical issues to avert the catastrophe inherent in a McCain presidency.
I am endorsing a message who's time has come in the form of millions of people.
Once Obama is president it will be our job to keep him honest. But let's be real here. Obama is our only and best hope to putting those millions of voices into action and creating a mandate for change in this country. There are UNFORTUNATELY only two choices in this election - and the stakes could not POSSIBLY be higher.
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