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Bayer on defensive in bee deaths / Colony Collapse Disorder (3 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Bayer CropScience is facing scrutiny because of the effect one of its best-selling pesticides has had on honeybees.

    A German prosecutor is investigating Werner Wenning, Bayer's chairman, and Friedrich Berschauer, the head of Bayer CropScience, after critics alleged that they knowingly polluted the environment.

    The investigation was triggered by an Aug. 13 complaint filed by German beekeepers and consumer protection advocates, a Coalition against Bayer Dangers spokesman, Philipp Mimkes, said Monday.

    The complaint is part of efforts by groups on both sides of the Atlantic to determine how much Bayer CropScience knows about the part that clothianidin may have played in the death of millions of honeybees.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    Yes! This is exactly the kind of story we need to shed more light on. This jumps right over all of the right-wing propaganda suggesting that environmental advocacy is based on industrial disinformation.

    Very much like the pharmaceutical industry and it's incestuous relationship with the FDA, the chemical industry enjoys great latitude in introducing products into the market that have unspecified consequences. Herbicides and pesticides have a long and deep history of having poisoned people, destroyed water tables, and disrupted ecosystems. DDT and MTBE are two of the more prominent examples.

    And as we know, under our current fascist regime, industry is in the drivers seat.

    Screw Ron Paul. We need to limit prosperity. Being an economic conservative these days generally means you think that we need to reward the wealthy in order to facilitate investment and innovation. That without the possibility of ever higher wealth that people would lack the incentive that supposedly makes our country so uniquely creative and productive.

    Unfortunately that comes at a suicidally high price for our democracy because greed and the unfettered pursuit of wealth directly leads to an amoral form of capitalism (assuming there is a moral form) in which humanity is reduced to the data on a spread sheet. We change a couple numbers in column A here, and 10,000 babies die of starvation someplace that we never have to see or think about.

    And back to the point here. Assuming that clothianidin and other such pesticides are responsible for the global drop in bee populations, we can expect that the owners of Bayer CropScience, and other chemical companies, have absolutely no concern whatsoever for the well being of bees. And they would likely march us off the edge of an environmental cliff if no one stood up to challenge them.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    Yes, maybe they already have genetically engineered terminator bees ready to replace the real thing. But you'll have to pay for them and work on their global plantation.

    If anybody doesn't think this is a serious issue, take a moment to ponder these facts:

    • Colony collapse disorder has claimed more than one-third of honey bees in the United States since it was first identified in 2006.

    • As much as every third mouthful of food consumed could be linked to pollination by bees.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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