
TruthMove Forum

TruthMove Forum » Profile


Member Since
March 31, 2007 (17 years)

User Activity

Recent Replies

  1. Arianna Huffington, John Judge and Jonestown - NY Times scans posted User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  2. Recent Times Online hit piece User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  3. Exchange with Reprehensor on 911Blogger about William Pepper User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  4. Bought Ruppert's New Book User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  5. 9/11 Truth Burnout - My new blog User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  6. Could the "spire" have collapsed gravity-only? User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  7. The future of 9/11 truth: No justice? User last replied: 16 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  8. Giveback: I don't get it. User last replied: 16 years ago. No replies since.
  9. "Hidden History. Current Crisis." - Planning User last replied: 16 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  10. Indymedia and 9/11 Truth User last replied: 16 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  11. Venue?? User last replied: 16 years ago. No replies since.
  12. Cynicism and the Obama campaign User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  13. Antidepressant Study: they don't really work User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  14. Jane Jacobs discusses paradigms. User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  15. Searching For Truth In Wayne User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  16. Big protest/encampment tonight and tomorrow in Berkeley User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  17. 9/11 Truth on the NBC Nightly News ("The Commission") User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  18. Centralization of Truth Movement strategy/leadership User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  19. Progressive Media of America Needs to Stop Playing the Fool User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  20. States of Fear: Science or Politics? - Michael Crichton User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  21. The State of the Union Bush Forgot to Talk About User last replied: 17 years ago. No replies since.
  22. Reviews of "The Shell Game" User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  23. TruthMove Oregon Chapter? User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  24. Peak oil: Why is it so difficult to explain/understand? User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  25. Casseia and friends attacking us on wtcdemolitions User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago

Threads Started

  1. Jane Jacobs discusses paradigms. Started: 17 years ago Most recent reply: 17 years ago.
  2. A few proposals. Started: 17 years ago Most recent reply: 17 years ago.
  3. Clarification of dissent. Started: 17 years ago Most recent reply: 17 years ago.
  4. Some considerations about incompetence. Started: 17 years ago Most recent reply: 17 years ago.
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